Love, value, purpose, worth, significance, destiny... we all long to walk in the fullness of these values. We are born with those desires imprinted upon our hearts.
The beginning of the history of man depicts what we were intended for: Relationship with God. "...the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being," Genesis 2:7. The first thing that Adam saw was God~ he was surrounded by love, joy, security and intimacy. "So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man's ribs and closed up the place with flesh. Then the Lord God fashioned a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man and He brought her to the man," Genesis 2:21-22. The first thing that woman saw was God~ she was surrounded by love, joy, security and intimacy. Both man and woman experienced the same firsts: The first face he/she saw was of a loving Father (God) The first voice he/she heard was of a loving Father (God) The first touch he/she felt was from a loving Father (God) The first experience he/she had was the Presence of God They were to live from the Pleasures of God (Eden means "pleasure") Our love, value, purpose, significance, destiny all flow from our loving Father. We are to live from the pleasure of God, experiencing the Presence of God, feeling the touch of our loving Father, hearing the voice of our loving Father and seeing His face. God the loving Father is for you. He believes in you. He created you and designed you for greatness. You are to continue God's creative work in the world by the gifts and talents He placed within you. You have an A+ with your Father before you ever begin! You are HIs happy thought! He likes you. As you awaken each morning: Look at your Father's loving face~ let HIs be the first you see each morning. Feel the joy of His smile as He gazes at you. Respond to Him. Listen to your Father's loving voice. Before you put on the television, radio...or entertain any other voice, let Him speak to you. He says to you, "You are my happy thought. Oh how I love you." Respond to Him. Feel the Father's embrace. Invite the Father to embrace you; surround you; encounter you. As you welcome HIm, respond to Him. Invite the manifest Presence of God to be with you before you begin your day. Say, "I welcome You Father God. I want to feel Your Presence." Invite the Holy Spirit to release love to your spirit. We want our spirit to engage with His Spirit. Take note of what you feel~ a weightiness upon you, or heat or a wind, etc. Respond to what God is doing. Live from the pleasure of God. From this place of rest, go forth to overcome. Live this day from rest in the Father. Respond to the Father throughout the day.
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Kristen Tschida
April 2022