Day 1: This is an invitation to enter into a 21 day season of being hidden away and uniting your heart to His. God longs to meet with you. He desires to speak tenderly to you. Perhaps you:
*have never prayed before except in times of great need
*do not believe that prayer is effective
*are broken by the pressures of life or disappointments
*have prayed for many years and have not seen the answers you desired
*feel like God is distant
*avoid prayer because you feel ashamed, sinful or unworthy
*have tried prayer and it didn't seem to work
*are faithless or feel you have just a little faith
*love to pray and have been one who has enjoyed the secret place of prayer for many years, but you still long for more of God
No matter where you are, the Father's heart is open wide to welcome you to come into the quiet place of prayer. Now is the time.
*have never prayed before except in times of great need
*do not believe that prayer is effective
*are broken by the pressures of life or disappointments
*have prayed for many years and have not seen the answers you desired
*feel like God is distant
*avoid prayer because you feel ashamed, sinful or unworthy
*have tried prayer and it didn't seem to work
*are faithless or feel you have just a little faith
*love to pray and have been one who has enjoyed the secret place of prayer for many years, but you still long for more of God
No matter where you are, the Father's heart is open wide to welcome you to come into the quiet place of prayer. Now is the time.
Day 2: Jesus loves you. This isn't a call to get you alone and then tell you have you have sinned and how horrible you are. Jesus' goal is to get you alone so He can tell you how much He is ravaged by you. He desires to pour His love on you. Jesus doesn't call you to follow a set of rules, He calls you to be in relationship with Him. Jesus wants relationship and fellowship. There are no requirements except to "open the door". Here are a few first steps:
1) Say "YES" to His invitation
2) Set a time and place to meet with God (consistency is the key)
3) Commit to this for the 21 days
4) Prepare the secret place. Keep these items in the place so it makes your meeting time easier: Bible, Pen(s), markers or colored pencils for drawing
*Commit with an expectant heart. Ask God to give you a hunger and thirst after His Word and His presence.
Prayer Prompt: The seed is the Word of God which is planted in the soil of your heart. If the soil in your heart is good and rich, the life of the plant will be brought to fullness. If the soil is rocky or weedy, those issues need to be talked to with the Lord, so the plant can grow to maturity.
Read Matthew 13:1-23. There are several different kind of soils (hearts) mentioned in this parable.
Hard Heart: Dull, unbelieving, closed
Stony Heart: No root system, shallow, emotional
Thorny Heart: Weeds, wandering, seed (the Word) is choked out by busyness & worries, riches & pleasures
Fruitful Heart: Plowed ground, rich soil, seed (the Word) germinates and multiples
In prayer, talk with the Lord about the condition of your heart.
1) Say "YES" to His invitation
2) Set a time and place to meet with God (consistency is the key)
3) Commit to this for the 21 days
4) Prepare the secret place. Keep these items in the place so it makes your meeting time easier: Bible, Pen(s), markers or colored pencils for drawing
*Commit with an expectant heart. Ask God to give you a hunger and thirst after His Word and His presence.
Prayer Prompt: The seed is the Word of God which is planted in the soil of your heart. If the soil in your heart is good and rich, the life of the plant will be brought to fullness. If the soil is rocky or weedy, those issues need to be talked to with the Lord, so the plant can grow to maturity.
Read Matthew 13:1-23. There are several different kind of soils (hearts) mentioned in this parable.
Hard Heart: Dull, unbelieving, closed
Stony Heart: No root system, shallow, emotional
Thorny Heart: Weeds, wandering, seed (the Word) is choked out by busyness & worries, riches & pleasures
Fruitful Heart: Plowed ground, rich soil, seed (the Word) germinates and multiples
In prayer, talk with the Lord about the condition of your heart.
Day 3: To "Shut the door" can be literal or taken symbolically. What does shut the door represent? It closes off distraction, keep others out, keeps you focused, symbolizes intimacy of a husband and wife...a shut door tells others that you are concentrating on something or working and do not want to be disturbed.It is important to "shut the door" so your heart can be fixed on Jesus. He calls you to get away with Him so purpose in your heart to be "all there" when you meet with Him. Just as if you were hanging out with a friend. Friendship grows because friends choose to spend time together, talking and sharing and doing activities together. It's the same thing that Jesus longs for.
Prayer Prompt: Jesus knew the principle of the shut door. We read throughout the Gospels that "Jesus withdrew to a solitary place", "Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed", "Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray and spent the night praying to God". Jesus knew the key to receiving from His Father~ He met with Him in the secret place. He "shut the door" to hear from heaven. Jesus put aside all distractions to tune His hear to the One voice which He longed to hear, His loving Father.
Read Matthew 6:6-8. Verse 6 says to "Shut the Door"
1) Why is that important?
2) What does that mean for you?
3) What do these verses tell you about God's desire to meet with you?
Pray, talk with the Lord about these questions.
Prayer Prompt: Jesus knew the principle of the shut door. We read throughout the Gospels that "Jesus withdrew to a solitary place", "Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed", "Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray and spent the night praying to God". Jesus knew the key to receiving from His Father~ He met with Him in the secret place. He "shut the door" to hear from heaven. Jesus put aside all distractions to tune His hear to the One voice which He longed to hear, His loving Father.
Read Matthew 6:6-8. Verse 6 says to "Shut the Door"
1) Why is that important?
2) What does that mean for you?
3) What do these verses tell you about God's desire to meet with you?
Pray, talk with the Lord about these questions.
Day 4: Prayer not only consumed Jesus' private life but was at the heart of the message He proclaimed. In His first and last public sermons (Sermon on the Mount and the Mount of Olives discourse), He spoke about prayer. The model Jesus gave in the Sermon on the Mount is found in Matthew 6. It has been titled, "The Lord's Prayer", but actually is the model that Jesus teaches his friends to prayer. It could be titled, "The Disciple's Prayer" or "The Friend's Prayer". You may be familiar with it, possibly reciting it each Sunday at church.
Jesus told his disciples that this model is the "how" to pray, "This then is how you should pray...." Jesus didn't say "This is the what you should pray.". This is a model for you to follow as you meet with God in prayer.
Prayer Prompt:The Aramaic word for Father is "Abba" which means "dearest father". God is unlike any earthly father. Looking at God as Father, you cannot even begin to compare Him to your dad, even if you had the best dad on earth. God doesn't compare because He is perfect, full of love & compassion, kindness & long-suffering, rich in mercy, and the list goes on and on. He does everything perfectly. God loves you with an everlasting love that is pure and holy.
*You have a Father in heaven.
*You can trust Him.
*You can rely on Him.
*You can be vulnerable with Him.
*You can hold fast to every word He says.
Read Psalm 139:1-12
1) How have you approached God when you pray? With fear & trembling? In shame? Reverence & awe? Like a tender Father?
2) From Psalm 139:1-12, what do you see about God the Father?
3) God as a tender, loving, compassionate Father can be a difficult concept to some. How have you experienced God's kindness, love and tender mercy in your life?
Pray, talk with the Father about these questions.
Jesus told his disciples that this model is the "how" to pray, "This then is how you should pray...." Jesus didn't say "This is the what you should pray.". This is a model for you to follow as you meet with God in prayer.
Prayer Prompt:The Aramaic word for Father is "Abba" which means "dearest father". God is unlike any earthly father. Looking at God as Father, you cannot even begin to compare Him to your dad, even if you had the best dad on earth. God doesn't compare because He is perfect, full of love & compassion, kindness & long-suffering, rich in mercy, and the list goes on and on. He does everything perfectly. God loves you with an everlasting love that is pure and holy.
*You have a Father in heaven.
*You can trust Him.
*You can rely on Him.
*You can be vulnerable with Him.
*You can hold fast to every word He says.
Read Psalm 139:1-12
1) How have you approached God when you pray? With fear & trembling? In shame? Reverence & awe? Like a tender Father?
2) From Psalm 139:1-12, what do you see about God the Father?
3) God as a tender, loving, compassionate Father can be a difficult concept to some. How have you experienced God's kindness, love and tender mercy in your life?
Pray, talk with the Father about these questions.
Day 5: Our heavenly Father not only knows you because He is omniscient (all-knowing) but He knows all about you in the sense that a father knows all about his child. God in His Almightiness is looking at you with a holy love and knows your every need. He hears your every sigh and loves you with an everlasting love. He desires nothing so much as your blessing, your joy and your fulfillment.
In Matthew 6:25-33 Jesus enlarges this idea of God the Father to even more fullness to His audience. He is the "much more" God. He is not about the minimal or lack. He is all about the much more-ness that He can pour out upon His children. "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not MUCH MORE valuable than they?....will He not MUCH MORE clothe you, O you of little faith," Matthew 6:26 & 30.
Prayer Prompt: In the movie, The King's Speech, after George VI had been coronated King, his girls, Margaret and Elizabeth meet him in the hallway and curtsy before him saying, "Your Majesty". The King, their daddy, embraces his girls in his arms! So it is with you. Understand the position God has because of who He is, come before Him with awe & reverence, but because He is your daddy, He embraces you in His arms when you come near.
1) Read Isaiah 40:21-22 & 25-26. What do these verses tell you about God?
2)Read Revelation 4. Describe the throne room of God.
Talk with God about His majesty and almighty power. How does His greatness bring you comfort?
In Matthew 6:25-33 Jesus enlarges this idea of God the Father to even more fullness to His audience. He is the "much more" God. He is not about the minimal or lack. He is all about the much more-ness that He can pour out upon His children. "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not MUCH MORE valuable than they?....will He not MUCH MORE clothe you, O you of little faith," Matthew 6:26 & 30.
Prayer Prompt: In the movie, The King's Speech, after George VI had been coronated King, his girls, Margaret and Elizabeth meet him in the hallway and curtsy before him saying, "Your Majesty". The King, their daddy, embraces his girls in his arms! So it is with you. Understand the position God has because of who He is, come before Him with awe & reverence, but because He is your daddy, He embraces you in His arms when you come near.
1) Read Isaiah 40:21-22 & 25-26. What do these verses tell you about God?
2)Read Revelation 4. Describe the throne room of God.
Talk with God about His majesty and almighty power. How does His greatness bring you comfort?
Day 6: God's Name is Holy. The Word "Name" means the very nature of God. It means all that is true about God and all that has been revealed concerning Him, all of His attributes, all that He has done and all that He is doing. His Name is beautiful and glorious!
Prayer Prompt: Luther posed the question (in the Catechism): "How is it (God's Name) hallowed amongst us?" Answer: "When our life and doctrine are truly Christian."
The more understanding and revelation of God's Name, the more your life will line up to the Truth and the more you will hallow His Name. As you pray, "Our Father in heaven, hallowed is your name," you are dedicating yourself to lead a life that reverences all He is!
When Moses met God in the fiery bush, God told him to remove his sandals because the ground was holy. Sometimes when you meet with God there is a holy reverence in which you are undone by His goodness and glory.
1) When have you experienced this holy reverence of God? Describe your feelings, thoughts and actions.
2) Read John 17:1-5. Jesus describes what eternal life is all about in verse 3. What is eternal life? What does that mean to you?
Talk with the Father about these questions.
Prayer Prompt: Luther posed the question (in the Catechism): "How is it (God's Name) hallowed amongst us?" Answer: "When our life and doctrine are truly Christian."
The more understanding and revelation of God's Name, the more your life will line up to the Truth and the more you will hallow His Name. As you pray, "Our Father in heaven, hallowed is your name," you are dedicating yourself to lead a life that reverences all He is!
When Moses met God in the fiery bush, God told him to remove his sandals because the ground was holy. Sometimes when you meet with God there is a holy reverence in which you are undone by His goodness and glory.
1) When have you experienced this holy reverence of God? Describe your feelings, thoughts and actions.
2) Read John 17:1-5. Jesus describes what eternal life is all about in verse 3. What is eternal life? What does that mean to you?
Talk with the Father about these questions.
Day 7: Prayer is not 1-sided. It is asking & receiving and talking & listening. The first part of prayer is our part: to ask, seek and knock. The second part of prayer is the Father's response: He answers so we receive, we find and as we knock, He opens doors that otherwise wouldn't be opened to us.
Jesus tells us in Luke 11:9-10, "So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened."
Prayer Prompt: Read Luke 11: 9-10
Don't give up praying for those things you are believing the Lord for. Keep persevering. Let Luke 11:9-10 give you strength in the waiting. Do not grow weary. Your Father is a good, good Father.
Talk with God about the following:
1) What are you asking God for?
2) What are you seeking (looking for)?
3) What door(s) are you knocking on?
Jesus tells us in Luke 11:9-10, "So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened."
Prayer Prompt: Read Luke 11: 9-10
Don't give up praying for those things you are believing the Lord for. Keep persevering. Let Luke 11:9-10 give you strength in the waiting. Do not grow weary. Your Father is a good, good Father.
Talk with God about the following:
1) What are you asking God for?
2) What are you seeking (looking for)?
3) What door(s) are you knocking on?
Day 8: Understand the power of distractions when you set a goal to meet with God regularly. It is important to be intentional because sometimes prayer is boring and distractions are everywhere. Recognize that you have a short attention span and are connected to distractions. Be strong and resist the distractions.
Set your heart to just do it! Pray! The increase of depth in your prayer life comes from doing it. You won't grow in prayer by reading about it or listening to a sermon about it. Just do it! Be faithful with your scheduled time and place to meet with God.
Prayer Prompt:
"Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God's Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don't know how or what to pray, it doesn't matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans. He knows us far better than we know ourselves, knows our pregnant condition, and keeps us present before God. That's why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good," Romans 8:26-28
Prayer is a journey with the Holy Spirit. He empowers you to pray. The Spirit Himself intercedes for you.
1) The Holy Spirit voices the deep concern of God Himself for your needs. He is not distant or uninterested.
2) In what ways does the promise of the Holy Spirit being involved change your perspective on your prayer life?
Set your heart to just do it! Pray! The increase of depth in your prayer life comes from doing it. You won't grow in prayer by reading about it or listening to a sermon about it. Just do it! Be faithful with your scheduled time and place to meet with God.
Prayer Prompt:
"Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God's Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don't know how or what to pray, it doesn't matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans. He knows us far better than we know ourselves, knows our pregnant condition, and keeps us present before God. That's why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good," Romans 8:26-28
Prayer is a journey with the Holy Spirit. He empowers you to pray. The Spirit Himself intercedes for you.
1) The Holy Spirit voices the deep concern of God Himself for your needs. He is not distant or uninterested.
2) In what ways does the promise of the Holy Spirit being involved change your perspective on your prayer life?
Day 9: "Your Kingdom come, Your will be done". As you pray this you are dedicating yourself to the ways of God's Kingdom. This prayer is allegiance to God. Go after God's Kingdom actively and release it on the earth. Study the Kingdom of God. What does it look like? How does the King of the Kingdom live? Think? Believe?
And as you seek His Kingdom ask, How did Jesus live on the earth? What did He do? What did He say? What are His ways? What is His perspective?
The Kingdom that can't be seen with your eyes is greater than what can be seen. And the more we "see" the Kingdom of God with our spiritual eyes, the more real it will become. And the more we "see", the more confidence we will pray with, asking God to bring heaven to earth! 2 Corinthians 4:18 says, "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal".
Prayer Prompt:
What breakthroughs are you seeking this year? Pray the words Jesus taught us to pray: Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, On earth as it is in heaven!
1) What would it look like for God's Kingdom to come into your life? In your marriage? In your family? In your church? In your city?
2) Dream with God and pray for God's Kingdom to come, His will to be done in all these spheres! Let heaven come!
And as you seek His Kingdom ask, How did Jesus live on the earth? What did He do? What did He say? What are His ways? What is His perspective?
The Kingdom that can't be seen with your eyes is greater than what can be seen. And the more we "see" the Kingdom of God with our spiritual eyes, the more real it will become. And the more we "see", the more confidence we will pray with, asking God to bring heaven to earth! 2 Corinthians 4:18 says, "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal".
Prayer Prompt:
What breakthroughs are you seeking this year? Pray the words Jesus taught us to pray: Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, On earth as it is in heaven!
1) What would it look like for God's Kingdom to come into your life? In your marriage? In your family? In your church? In your city?
2) Dream with God and pray for God's Kingdom to come, His will to be done in all these spheres! Let heaven come!
Day 10: God is interested in the very details of your life. Matthew 6:8 says that the Father knows your needs before you even ask Him but He still wants you to ask. He longs for relationship with you.
The very hairs on your head are numbered, according to Matthew 10:30. God is familiar with all your ways. The invitation from the Father is that you would come to Him with the big and small things. He loves you exceedingly, abundantly more than you can imagine. He is the much more God!
God is calling you to daily dependence upon Him. Paul exhorts the church in Philippi in Philippians 4:6, "Do not be anxious about anything, but by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God". Your Father wants you to pray for your daily needs and He wants you to thank Him for all He has done. This is a continual dependence upon Him because you can trust the glorious Father, who is filled with love for you and who desires to give give gifts to those who ask. He is able to do immeasurably much more than all you ask or imagine (how big is your imagination?)! Spend time discovering the "much more-ness"of God.
Prayer Prompt:
Read Matthew 6:25-34.
Worry and anxiety are not to be a part of our life. As a follower of Jesus, you are connected to the Father and He knows what you need.
1) Take a few minutes and write out some ways the Father has provided for your needs.
2) What are some needs in your life today that you can bring before the Father?
The very hairs on your head are numbered, according to Matthew 10:30. God is familiar with all your ways. The invitation from the Father is that you would come to Him with the big and small things. He loves you exceedingly, abundantly more than you can imagine. He is the much more God!
God is calling you to daily dependence upon Him. Paul exhorts the church in Philippi in Philippians 4:6, "Do not be anxious about anything, but by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God". Your Father wants you to pray for your daily needs and He wants you to thank Him for all He has done. This is a continual dependence upon Him because you can trust the glorious Father, who is filled with love for you and who desires to give give gifts to those who ask. He is able to do immeasurably much more than all you ask or imagine (how big is your imagination?)! Spend time discovering the "much more-ness"of God.
Prayer Prompt:
Read Matthew 6:25-34.
Worry and anxiety are not to be a part of our life. As a follower of Jesus, you are connected to the Father and He knows what you need.
1) Take a few minutes and write out some ways the Father has provided for your needs.
2) What are some needs in your life today that you can bring before the Father?
Day 11: Worry and anxiety are not to be a part of your life. You have not been designed to carry worry or anxiety. Proverbs 12:25 says, "Anxiety in a man's heart weighs him down..." As someone who follows Jesus, you are connected to the Father and He knows what you need.
The Name of God that speaks to His nature as provider is Jehovah Jirah (The Lord my Provider). This literally means "Jehovah Sees". The verb "sees" has 2 Hebrew words "pro-videre", pro- meaning before and videre- meaning vision. Literally God sees your need beforehand, before it arises and He makes provision for it.
God invites you to trust Him with your needs. The secret place is where that trust is built. "Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you," 1 Peter 5:7.
Prayer Prompt:
Read Proverbs 3:5-6. This is the dependent life God is calling you to. Talk with God about the following questions:
1) Do I trust God? In what ways?
2) How often do I take matters into my own hands?
3) When was the last impossible situation that I let go of?
4) What am I trying to do in my own strength right now?
The Name of God that speaks to His nature as provider is Jehovah Jirah (The Lord my Provider). This literally means "Jehovah Sees". The verb "sees" has 2 Hebrew words "pro-videre", pro- meaning before and videre- meaning vision. Literally God sees your need beforehand, before it arises and He makes provision for it.
God invites you to trust Him with your needs. The secret place is where that trust is built. "Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you," 1 Peter 5:7.
Prayer Prompt:
Read Proverbs 3:5-6. This is the dependent life God is calling you to. Talk with God about the following questions:
1) Do I trust God? In what ways?
2) How often do I take matters into my own hands?
3) When was the last impossible situation that I let go of?
4) What am I trying to do in my own strength right now?
Day 12: At creation, there had never been another voice speaking to Adam and Eve. All they knew was the smile of God upon them. The eyes of God was their mirror~ the reflection of who they were was seen in their Father's eyes. Their identity was secure in God.
Then another voice enters the scene. And the battle began. The enemy brought suspicion that God is not good. After Adam & Eve sinned, their first response was fear, shame and hiding from God. The Father came toward Adam & Eve with love. Adam admits his hiding and God's response is "Who told you that you were naked?"
The enemy prowls around like a roaring lion trying to get you to doubt God's goodness and your identity as a son or daughter. As you think about the ways the enemy has spoken to your heart, you may hear his accusations: You are too small, too slow, too ugly, not smart enough, etc., etc., etc.
Keep your ears near to the Voice of the Father. Listen to Him. Just as He questioned Adam & Eve, in love He questions you: Who told you, you weren't an artist? Who told you, you weren't smart enough? Who told you, you don't deserve to be married? Etc. Let the Father's words of life be the only words you trust. Dwell on His words. Invite His Voice to be what settles your identity. Your thoughts, words and actions show whose voice you agree with.
Prayer Prompt:
Read John 15:5-7. You are designed to live in connection of the Father's voice.
1) Trust the Truth! God is good. He is better than you think.
2) Dependence on God is the goal. Isolation and independence leave you weak & vulnerable to the enemy.
3) Practice repentance.
Truth the truth of God's Words. The enemy always misidentifies God saying you can't trust Him or you don't need Him. How has the enemy misidentified God to you?
Then another voice enters the scene. And the battle began. The enemy brought suspicion that God is not good. After Adam & Eve sinned, their first response was fear, shame and hiding from God. The Father came toward Adam & Eve with love. Adam admits his hiding and God's response is "Who told you that you were naked?"
The enemy prowls around like a roaring lion trying to get you to doubt God's goodness and your identity as a son or daughter. As you think about the ways the enemy has spoken to your heart, you may hear his accusations: You are too small, too slow, too ugly, not smart enough, etc., etc., etc.
Keep your ears near to the Voice of the Father. Listen to Him. Just as He questioned Adam & Eve, in love He questions you: Who told you, you weren't an artist? Who told you, you weren't smart enough? Who told you, you don't deserve to be married? Etc. Let the Father's words of life be the only words you trust. Dwell on His words. Invite His Voice to be what settles your identity. Your thoughts, words and actions show whose voice you agree with.
Prayer Prompt:
Read John 15:5-7. You are designed to live in connection of the Father's voice.
1) Trust the Truth! God is good. He is better than you think.
2) Dependence on God is the goal. Isolation and independence leave you weak & vulnerable to the enemy.
3) Practice repentance.
Truth the truth of God's Words. The enemy always misidentifies God saying you can't trust Him or you don't need Him. How has the enemy misidentified God to you?
Day 13: One of the primary purposes of the secret place of prayer is to be fed fresh "manna" each day. As you meditate and feed in the Word of God, you are like a tree that produces fruit because you have the nutrients flowing in and through you. "You thrill to God's Word, you chew on Scripture day and night. You're a tree replanted in Eden, bearing fruit every month, never dropping a leaf, always in bloom," Psalm 1:2-3 (Message).
"I delight in Your decrees: I will not neglect Your word," Psalm 119:16. The manna of the Word needs to be consumed and digested. It it not enough just to taste. Taste doesn't provide nourishment. The Father is looking for those who will hunger and thirst for Him, not settling for a casual nibble here and there.
Prayer Prompt:
Read Psalm 119:16
1) What do you need to say "no" to so you can say "yes" to God, carving out time to be alone with Him?
2) Ask the Holy Spirit to increase your hunger for God's Word.
"I delight in Your decrees: I will not neglect Your word," Psalm 119:16. The manna of the Word needs to be consumed and digested. It it not enough just to taste. Taste doesn't provide nourishment. The Father is looking for those who will hunger and thirst for Him, not settling for a casual nibble here and there.
Prayer Prompt:
Read Psalm 119:16
1) What do you need to say "no" to so you can say "yes" to God, carving out time to be alone with Him?
2) Ask the Holy Spirit to increase your hunger for God's Word.
Day 14: Keeping heaven on your mind is healthy for your soul. We should be dramatically impacted by the reality of eternity and heaven. This is what we were made for. Jesus lived from heaven to earth. He thought about heaven first, then earth. He looked at what mattered above and let that define his values, emotions and decisions. Colossians 3:2 tells us to "Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things." Let your mind dwell on heavenly realities today.
Prayer Prompt:
Read Psalm 131:1-2
Be a steward of your soul. Be intentional about having a calm, quiet soul.
Talk with the Lord about the following:
1) Where can I create margin to self-reflect in the day?
2) How can I calm & settle my soul?
3) Are there any boundaries needed to protect my soul?
Prayer Prompt:
Read Psalm 131:1-2
Be a steward of your soul. Be intentional about having a calm, quiet soul.
Talk with the Lord about the following:
1) Where can I create margin to self-reflect in the day?
2) How can I calm & settle my soul?
3) Are there any boundaries needed to protect my soul?
Day 15: Everything God does in you comes in seed form. He plants a seed, it settles into the soil of the heart and begins to grow. In John 15 Jesus' call is to abide in Him and to let His words abide in you.
1) Pray the words He speaks over your life. Faith manifests in how you pray. What does God say? Pray it. Repent of any words that don't align with God's Kingdom and what He has spoken.
2) Prepare for the Word to be manifest. Waiting is part of prayer and it is not passive, but active. "Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived; no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for him," Isaiah 64:4. Waiting means to tarry; to linger; to anticipate what God is doing. While you wait, prepare. Do you really believe Him? Do you value what He said? Noah believed God and he built an ark. Ask: Where in my life am I building an "ark" for what God told me?
3) Proclaim what God has spoken. Your words matter! Don't be more connected to your circumstances than God's words over your circumstances.
Let the seeds God is sowing in your life grow to mature fruit that overflows from your life. Let His Words have their full impact.
Prayer Prompt: Be fully alive and fully engaged in what God has spoken over your life. Let His words abide in your heart. Don't just receive the word, carry it and prepare for it.
Read John 15:7-8
1) How are you carrying the words of the Lord?
2) What are you doing to prepare for the Word?
1) Pray the words He speaks over your life. Faith manifests in how you pray. What does God say? Pray it. Repent of any words that don't align with God's Kingdom and what He has spoken.
2) Prepare for the Word to be manifest. Waiting is part of prayer and it is not passive, but active. "Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived; no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for him," Isaiah 64:4. Waiting means to tarry; to linger; to anticipate what God is doing. While you wait, prepare. Do you really believe Him? Do you value what He said? Noah believed God and he built an ark. Ask: Where in my life am I building an "ark" for what God told me?
3) Proclaim what God has spoken. Your words matter! Don't be more connected to your circumstances than God's words over your circumstances.
Let the seeds God is sowing in your life grow to mature fruit that overflows from your life. Let His Words have their full impact.
Prayer Prompt: Be fully alive and fully engaged in what God has spoken over your life. Let His words abide in your heart. Don't just receive the word, carry it and prepare for it.
Read John 15:7-8
1) How are you carrying the words of the Lord?
2) What are you doing to prepare for the Word?
Day 16: There are many demands on your time. Time is a non-renewable resource in life. Once you spend it, you cannot get it back. Have you ever been to a bad movie and wish you could get that 2 hours back? :)
Time spent with the Lord in the secret place is time well spent. In Luke 10:41-42 Mary is sitting at Jesus' feet. She knew the importance of letting go of other tasks to listen to Jesus. Jesus speaks of this moment, "...few things are needed or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better and it will not be taken away from her." Live by what is important, not by the tyranny of the urgent. Schedule time with Jesus. Make prayer a priority. If you don't schedule yourself, others will do it for you.
Prayer Prompt: Like any intimate relationship, it's long chunks of time together and little moments.
Read Matthew 6:6
Schedule a sacred appointment with the Father each day, but keep the conversation all day long.
1) Scripture says, "Your Father who sees everything will reward you". What are the rewards from spending time with the Father in the secret place?
2) How can you cultivate an abiding dialogue all day long with the Father?
Time spent with the Lord in the secret place is time well spent. In Luke 10:41-42 Mary is sitting at Jesus' feet. She knew the importance of letting go of other tasks to listen to Jesus. Jesus speaks of this moment, "...few things are needed or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better and it will not be taken away from her." Live by what is important, not by the tyranny of the urgent. Schedule time with Jesus. Make prayer a priority. If you don't schedule yourself, others will do it for you.
Prayer Prompt: Like any intimate relationship, it's long chunks of time together and little moments.
Read Matthew 6:6
Schedule a sacred appointment with the Father each day, but keep the conversation all day long.
1) Scripture says, "Your Father who sees everything will reward you". What are the rewards from spending time with the Father in the secret place?
2) How can you cultivate an abiding dialogue all day long with the Father?
Day 17: To have intentional prayer time, a prayer list can help to keep you focused. A prayer list is a jump start into your secret place time. The list is a guide to use when you need it. There will be days when prayer can be mundane and boring or the distractions can cause your heart to be unfocused. A prayer list helps you to stay connected to the Father on those days.
As you prepare your personal list, focus on your inner man. This is the most important part of who you are, so it should be the main focus when you are praying for your own life. What goes on between the ears affects your whole life & those around you. As you meet with the Father, spend time in listening prayer. What does the Father say about you? How does He feel about you? What does He enjoy about you? You can grow your heart in God as you receive His love for you, knowing that He really likes you. That will empower your heart and your inner life.
Draw near to God in intimacy. The secret place realigns priorities and strengthens your relationship with the Father. Sow time in the secret place. Tarry before the Lord. Get rid of distractions. As you meet with the Father, you will have better understanding of His extravagant love for you.
Prayer Prompt: Pray for your heart to be rooted and established in the Father's love.
1) Width of His love~ How intimately and far-reaching is God's love.
2) Length of His love~ God's love is enduring and inclusive
3) Height of His love~ God's love is endless beyond measure
4) Depth of His love~ God's love transcends understanding
As you prepare your personal list, focus on your inner man. This is the most important part of who you are, so it should be the main focus when you are praying for your own life. What goes on between the ears affects your whole life & those around you. As you meet with the Father, spend time in listening prayer. What does the Father say about you? How does He feel about you? What does He enjoy about you? You can grow your heart in God as you receive His love for you, knowing that He really likes you. That will empower your heart and your inner life.
Draw near to God in intimacy. The secret place realigns priorities and strengthens your relationship with the Father. Sow time in the secret place. Tarry before the Lord. Get rid of distractions. As you meet with the Father, you will have better understanding of His extravagant love for you.
Prayer Prompt: Pray for your heart to be rooted and established in the Father's love.
1) Width of His love~ How intimately and far-reaching is God's love.
2) Length of His love~ God's love is enduring and inclusive
3) Height of His love~ God's love is endless beyond measure
4) Depth of His love~ God's love transcends understanding
Day 18: Prayer is communication with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Talking & Listening. The more time spent in the secret place, the greater the intimacy. You can use the A.C.T.S. model of prayer in your time with the Lord.
Prayer Prompt:
Use this model to spend time with the Lord every day.
ADORATION: Worship & acknowledge the majesty of God.
CONFESSION: Confess your sins before God.
THANKSGIVING: Having a grateful heart for what God has done.
SUPPLICATION: Bring your prayer needs to God, trusting Him for answers.
Prayer Prompt:
Use this model to spend time with the Lord every day.
ADORATION: Worship & acknowledge the majesty of God.
CONFESSION: Confess your sins before God.
THANKSGIVING: Having a grateful heart for what God has done.
SUPPLICATION: Bring your prayer needs to God, trusting Him for answers.
Day 19: Matthew 6 reveals Jesus' heart for prayer. He gives us the "where" to pray (the secret place) and He gives his followers the "how" to pray. In Matthew 6:9 Jesus says, "This is then how you should pray..." Jesus didn't say "this is what you should pray". He lays out a model for us to follow.
You can take this prayer model, phrase by phrase, and pray it. The prayer that Jesus taught His friends to pray is filled with wonder, expectation, joy, agreement, strength, confidence, deliverance, provision, and breakthrough which flows from the place of intimacy with Jesus.
Prayer Prompt:
PRAISE: Matthew 6:9, "Our Father in heaven, holy is Your Name. "Praise Him for 3 or 4 of His Names or attributes.
PROCLAIM: Matthew 6:10, "Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven". Release heaven on earth. Ask the Father, "Where are You moving on the earth? What are you doing in my family? What are You doing in my city?" Pray for heaven to come to earth.
PROVISION: Matthew 6:11, "Give us this day our daily bread." Bring your requests to God (personal, friends, ministries, city, nation, world).
PEACE: Matthew 6:12, "And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors."
Read Psalm 139:23-24 and pray, Forgive me Father for.....
Read Matthew 5:43-45. I forgive and release......
PROTECTION. Matthew 6:13a "And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one." Are there any areas where you are feeling testing, trial or temptation?
PRAISE. Matthew 6:13b, "For Yours is the Kingdom and Power and the Glory forever. Amen." Pray: Be Glorified in all things Lord!
You can take this prayer model, phrase by phrase, and pray it. The prayer that Jesus taught His friends to pray is filled with wonder, expectation, joy, agreement, strength, confidence, deliverance, provision, and breakthrough which flows from the place of intimacy with Jesus.
Prayer Prompt:
PRAISE: Matthew 6:9, "Our Father in heaven, holy is Your Name. "Praise Him for 3 or 4 of His Names or attributes.
PROCLAIM: Matthew 6:10, "Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven". Release heaven on earth. Ask the Father, "Where are You moving on the earth? What are you doing in my family? What are You doing in my city?" Pray for heaven to come to earth.
PROVISION: Matthew 6:11, "Give us this day our daily bread." Bring your requests to God (personal, friends, ministries, city, nation, world).
PEACE: Matthew 6:12, "And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors."
Read Psalm 139:23-24 and pray, Forgive me Father for.....
Read Matthew 5:43-45. I forgive and release......
PROTECTION. Matthew 6:13a "And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one." Are there any areas where you are feeling testing, trial or temptation?
PRAISE. Matthew 6:13b, "For Yours is the Kingdom and Power and the Glory forever. Amen." Pray: Be Glorified in all things Lord!
Day 20: Use this model to spend 30 minutes in the secret place.
Prayer Prompt:
Use this model to spend time with the Lord every day. Take 5 minutes for each area.
PRAISE: “I will praise You as long as I live…” Psalm 63:4
Take 5 minutes to praise the nature/character of the Godhead (Father, Son & Holy Spirit). To get you started, think of a character trait for the alphabet: A=Abba/Almighty, and so on… You can write down the qualities in your journal.
CLEANSE: “Cleanse me with hyssop and I will be clean; wash me and I will be whiter than snow,” Psalm 51:7. Take 5 minutes to ask the Holy Spirit to bring to mind any sin (thought, attitude or deed) that you need to be cleansed from. Confess it now & receive God’s forgiveness. Don’t hold onto any sin.
THANKFUL: “Let us come before Him with thanksgiving…” Psalm 95:2. Take 5 minutes to thank the Lord for what He has done in your life/family/school. Try to think of different things each day. Think about God’s goodness & faithfulness in your life!
WORD: “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work,” 2 Timothy 3:16-17. Take 5 minutes to read through the Scriptures from the radical reading plan for the day.
LISTEN: “...the sheep listen to His voice. He calls out His own sheep by name and leads them out….and His sheep follow Him because they know His voice,” John 10:3-4. Take 5 minutes to be quiet before the Lord and listen to what He wants to say to you. Ask Him, “Jesus, what do You want to say to me today?”
ASK: “Call to Me and I will answer you…” Jeremiah 33:3. Take 5 minutes to share your struggles, questions, needs, others’ needs—God wants you to share your heart with Him. What is it you are asking Him to do today?
Prayer Prompt:
Use this model to spend time with the Lord every day. Take 5 minutes for each area.
PRAISE: “I will praise You as long as I live…” Psalm 63:4
Take 5 minutes to praise the nature/character of the Godhead (Father, Son & Holy Spirit). To get you started, think of a character trait for the alphabet: A=Abba/Almighty, and so on… You can write down the qualities in your journal.
CLEANSE: “Cleanse me with hyssop and I will be clean; wash me and I will be whiter than snow,” Psalm 51:7. Take 5 minutes to ask the Holy Spirit to bring to mind any sin (thought, attitude or deed) that you need to be cleansed from. Confess it now & receive God’s forgiveness. Don’t hold onto any sin.
THANKFUL: “Let us come before Him with thanksgiving…” Psalm 95:2. Take 5 minutes to thank the Lord for what He has done in your life/family/school. Try to think of different things each day. Think about God’s goodness & faithfulness in your life!
WORD: “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work,” 2 Timothy 3:16-17. Take 5 minutes to read through the Scriptures from the radical reading plan for the day.
LISTEN: “...the sheep listen to His voice. He calls out His own sheep by name and leads them out….and His sheep follow Him because they know His voice,” John 10:3-4. Take 5 minutes to be quiet before the Lord and listen to what He wants to say to you. Ask Him, “Jesus, what do You want to say to me today?”
ASK: “Call to Me and I will answer you…” Jeremiah 33:3. Take 5 minutes to share your struggles, questions, needs, others’ needs—God wants you to share your heart with Him. What is it you are asking Him to do today?
Day 21~ Relationships take work. Like any friendship, this relationship takes work. Just as our earthly friendships grow as we invest in them, so our relationship with God will only improve with effort.
If we want to have a deeper connection with the Lord then we have to invest to make that happen. We have to seek Him. It takes searching, and pressing in and it takes the intentional seeking again and again. But the reward is that we are promised that we will find Him when we do. "You will seek Me when you seek Me with all your heart," Jeremiah 29:13.
The Lord desires friendship, but we have to invest. "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you," James 4:8. This is our deepest privilege.
Friendship is one of the most beautiful parts of life. It is with our close friends that we share our life, hopes, sorrows and joys. It is an unbelievable thought that we could have a close relationship with God. Our deepest privilege is that He invites us into intimate friendship.
If we want to have a deeper connection with the Lord then we have to invest to make that happen. We have to seek Him. It takes searching, and pressing in and it takes the intentional seeking again and again. But the reward is that we are promised that we will find Him when we do. "You will seek Me when you seek Me with all your heart," Jeremiah 29:13.
The Lord desires friendship, but we have to invest. "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you," James 4:8. This is our deepest privilege.
Friendship is one of the most beautiful parts of life. It is with our close friends that we share our life, hopes, sorrows and joys. It is an unbelievable thought that we could have a close relationship with God. Our deepest privilege is that He invites us into intimate friendship.