Kristen Tschida Ministries Podcast

I am passionate about helping people, the youngest to the oldest to be inspired to live the life they were made to live in God. The teachings and conversations on my podcast will bring encouragement & help your grow in your relationship with God and with one another.
Subscribe today! ht seeds to grow a Kingdom harvest in their hearts, minds, and belief systems which transforms thoughts, speech & behaviors, changing trajectories of individuals, families and communities.
Subscribe today! ht seeds to grow a Kingdom harvest in their hearts, minds, and belief systems which transforms thoughts, speech & behaviors, changing trajectories of individuals, families and communities.
Listen to the current messages:
Value of Investing in People:
This week, I pulled out a teaching from the archives. This is something I shared with the ONEHOP team as we were laying the foundation of the house of prayer. What did we want to pour into the foundation? What were the non-negotiables for us? I continue to ask the same kinds of questions in my classroom and family. What has the highest value? What do I want to give my time, attention and resources to? What is the legacy I want to leave? I pray this teaching will enrich and encourage you as you listen. |
6 P's to Pray for Your Children:
Prayer is one of the best things you can do for your kids. And praying Scripture over them is one of the most powerful ways to pray. Scripture breathes the presence of God into your children's lives. His promises to you and your family are found in the Word of God. Your prayers for your children are the greatest legacy you can leave. |
Our Good Shepherd is a Warrior:
When we walk through the darkest valleys of life, all of God's attributes are with us in the valley: His grace, goodness, love, faithfulness, tenderness, kindness, strength, power, might, peace, etc. When life overwhelms us, we are tempted to believe that, if we were really His, we would never travel to such places. On this episode, Kristen addresses some hard things about the dark valley seasons in life. Remember: In the the dark valley, we don't see clearly. We don't see things as they really are. |
The Narrow Way:
In this life, we want to stay on the right paths. How do we know which paths are right? How do we know the way to go? David shows us in this section of Psalm 23, "He guides me..." The key is the Shepherd. He is leading. We can trust Him. The imagery of Psalm 23 is intimate. God is not distant. He is near and He is personal. |
Our Souls are Eternal:
The origin of our souls says a lot about how are souls are meant to function. God's breath is the essential characteristic of the human soul according to Genesis 2:7, "Then the Lord God formed the man from the dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature." Our souls have our source in God, they depend on Him and long for Him. |
Find Joy in Green Pastures:
God is not worried that He is going to run out of something. He is rich beyond all understanding. He is overflowing with everything that is good and everything that we need. This is the starting point to enter into the life of Psalm 23. God is good and delights in you and me. He will lead us better than any other can or will. Our Good Shepherd is unlimited in love, unlimited in resources and He generously provides for our every need! |
Life Without Lack:
The secret to a life without lack is rooted in our knowledge of God. What are your thoughts about God? A.W. Tozer said, "What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us". Do you know, really know that God is good? Do you know, really know that God is overflowing with everything you need? Do you know that He is for you, not against you? Do you know that God delights in you? Do you know that He is generous toward you? Psalm 23 addresses our source of a life without lack! |