I recently spent a little over a week at a conference in Kansas City. I am not familiar with the city and as I drove around, I always had to put on my GPS to get me where I was going. I had to trust the GPS to get me to the right location (I call her “Hope” because I hope that she will lead me the right way). :) I didn’t know any of the surroundings or landmarks to keep me focused. I had to trust the directions from the GPS without any personal knowledge of the city.
I live in Omaha and I am very familiar with our city streets. When I moved to Omaha, I didn’t know anything about this city, but became more familiar as we settled into it. I learned that Omaha is set up like a grid, so it’s easy to know where you are and how to get around. After being here awhile, I got to understand the city streets and learned to know landmarks and the surroundings. Now the ways are very comfortable and I am acquainted with them in a personal way—it’s like the city is inside of me! While I was driving around Kansas City with my GPS turned on, talking to me at every turn and change of direction or road/highway, the Lord shared with my heart that this was a picture of understanding His Word. When I am “new” in His City (Word), I set my heart to follow all His directions, trusting in “Hope” that He will get me where I need to go. I don’t know the landmarks or surroundings, so I go with trusting because I am not familiar with the ways of the City (Word). As I spend time and settle in His City (Word), I learn to know His ways. I am familiar with how He speaks; how He moves; how He leads me… I become acquainted with Him in a personal way and then I move freely around His City (Word). I understand His ways, not just His directions. His ways are inside of me! He is not impersonal just getting me from place to place, but He is desiring to engage with me in the process of hearing His Voice and reading His Word. I have fallen in love with God’s Word. I love His ways. I love His leadership. I love how He guides me and directs me and moves my heart to be in tune with His. “Give me understanding and I will keep your law and obey it with all my heart. Direct me in the paths of your commands, for there I find delight,” Psalm 119:34-35 “Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path,” Psalm 119:105 Challenge: Read through Psalm 119 and for each verse (there are 176) write a phrase that the Lord highlights to you from that verse. Take it and “chew on it”; meditate; speak it out; pray it back to the Lord; sing it to the Lord. Take a new verse each day. Let His GPS get inside of your spirit! Engage with the Holy Spirit as you meditate. You can use this acronym ARK: A=Agree (Agree with what is written in God’s Word) R= Revelation (Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal more of what this phrase/Scripture means) K=Keep (Is there anything that you need to obey or thank the Lord for from that phrase/Scripture? How can you remember this; hold onto the Truth; treasure it?)
Kristen Tschida
April 2022