10 Questions to help you reflect over 2018:
As we near the end of 2018 it is beneficial to reflect over the events, relationships, circumstances, obstacles, goals, etc of the year. I have created 10 questions to help you reflect. Carve out some sacred space to evaluate 2018 before you jump into a new year. Your responses to these questions may give you insight to focus and goal setting for 2019. 1) What goal(s) did you accomplish this year and how did that feel? 2) Was there a goal(s) you set that you didn't accomplish? What got in the way of that goal--obstacles/unrealistic/life circumstances/timing/etc.? 3) Were there any big changes in your life this year? How have you adjusted to the change(s)? What adjustments need to yet be made? 4) What are 1-3 highlights from this year? 5) In what area(s) of your life did you see growth this year? 6) Were there any losses this year? How have you processed your heart in the loss? Where are you in the process? 7) As you look back over this year, what would be 3-6 words to describe 2018? 8) Were there any promises or prophetic words spoken over you this year? How are you stewarding those? Have you seen any fulfillment or partial fulfillment? 9) What people stand out in your life this year? How did they impact you? Is there anything you could do to thank them or let them know how they impacted you? 10) Take a journey from January through December (use your photos, calendar, and/or journal). Write out as many statements of gratitude you can record (25-100 thankful statements). Gratitude is important: It keeps you continually aware that the Lord is close by and it motivates you to look for God's purpose in your circumstances. Thanksgiving reminds you of your continual dependence upon God. It energizes and strengthens your faith! A grateful heart is a weapon of warfare reminding you how powerful God is! It invites God's glory and His Presence to fill your life and situation.
Kristen Tschida
April 2022